So, my favorite read this summer has been Joie: A Parisian’s Guide to Celebrating the Good Life written by Ajiri Aki. The founder of French Lifestyle brand Madam de la Maison, I’ve been admiring Ajiri’s very individual style and sensibility through her posts and podcasts. The daughter of Nigerian and Jamaican parents Ajiri grew up in Texas, but entranced by all things French she moved to Paris and settled 12 years ago. Now married with 2 young children she has since learned about and fully embraces the French spirit of joie de vivre - the joy of living.
Ajiri’s book is not only a well resourced guide to living in Paris, she also shares how to cultivate the Parisian lifestyle wherever you live. My appreciation for French culture includes the ability to enjoy living in the moment and life’s simple pleasures. As Ajiri elaborates, “Parisians find joy in what they eat, where they go, conversations they have and how they spend their time. It’s their North Star.”
Bringing an element of beauty to every aspect of their lives seems to be a particularly French pastime. Practicing a self-care regimen is fundamental to enhancing your wellbeing and not for vanity’s sake alone is ingrained from an early age. Ajiri sums it up as “Style, beauty and overall well-being are derived from pleasure (not the guilty kind), preservation and feeling bien dans ma peau - good in my own skin.”
The all consuming ritual of visiting the local outdoor market in preparation for the evening meal
Elevate your everyday dining experience and break out the good china mixed with found antique accessories, creating your l’art de la table!
Use and enjoy everything that brings a sense of joy and refinement into your life regularly. Ajiri recounts that when she was a child her mother never used her good china because she was waiting for a special occasion. Sadly, her mother passed way when Ajiri was 12 never having used her good china. A profound memory that remains with her to this day.
If for you beauty, wellness, living your best life and decorating with antiques are important Joie - A Parisian’s Guide to Celebrating the Good Life offers plenty of inspiration.