Every once in a great while a one-of-a-kind magazine hits the newsstands. For me it's the international style magazine Cabana, which I've been following on Instagram for several months and finally broke down and purchased a subscription. My Spring/Summer issue finally arrived and I cracked it open on Sunday morning, settling in for a leisurely read. The cover immediately grabbed my attention with its unexpected abstract print fabric and Cabana splashed across the top in an all-caps raised font.
Cabana Magazine is the brainchild of Martina Mondadori Sartogo, who hails from a publishing family founded by her great grandfather in Italy. As told by Mondadori Sartogo in her 1st Dibs interview - "someone recently described the semiannual Cabana as the haute couture of publishing, an art object in itself." Quite...From the fabric cover on, the pages are an opulent tactile mix of high gloss, thick matte and transparent onion skin.
Mondadori Sartogo's philosophy behind Cabana was to "create an interiors magazine that showcases a very specific mood without a defining country or style." Her childhood home was decorated by the world-renowned Italian Interior designer Renzo Mongiardino, a master of elaborate layering and cosmopolitan textures. This explains her highly sophisticated aesthetic sensibility and "his inspirations, the mood boards are behind every page of Cabana."
Besides the appealing feel of the various textured pages throughout, I also really enjoyed the eclectic range of articles with its globetrotting sensibility. The romantically moody photography has a cozy up close and personal format, capturing every detail of objects, landscapes, interiors, fabrics and stately homes. Alongside, are conversations with fashion and interior designers, all of which you wouldn't necessarily expect to come across in one magazine. An engaging read for interior design professionals and design enthusiasts alike. Cabana will certainly be collected for my library!
Cabana Issue Seven Spring/Summer 2017
All photos and articles are from the current issue of Cabana
Chatsworth House - photographed in that up close and personal style where no detail is missed
Chatsworth House continued
Chatsworth House sheep grazing juxtaposed with a custom hand painted Chinoiserie wall panel
The Forgotten Farmhouses of Westmoreland
African Cabana-S
Casa de Pilatos - Andalusia Palace
Jackets created by Erdem display the details of their construction
Highly regarded Interior designer Daniel Romualdez shows his recently completed Connecticut country house and his extensive taxidermy collection
Pierre Frey's Tree of Life fabric is the canopy framing Romualdez's bed and shares the page with an intriguing portrait - I wonder who she is??